Thursday, November 04, 2010

Aegean Adventures - The Delphic Oracle Pics

The ruin of the Temple of Apollo where signs were once read. In ancient times, the Oracle was one of a number of female religious leaders. Now the grounds of her temple are what is referred to as The Oracle.

Statues at the Delphi Oracle Archeological Museum

An enormous marble replica of the Sphinx at the Delphi Oracle Archeological Museum

The twin cities of Kirra and Itea in the distance on the Ionian Sea.

The last intact obelisk at Delphi

The temple of Athena a short walk south of the Oracle

Text from one of the fallen obelisks. It's tough to translate as there are no spaces or punctuation and all the spellings/words are outdated.

Yours Truly at the Temple of Apollo

The Treasury of Athens, the last freestanding building at Delphi

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